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Excursion to the city of Brasov

We had a grand trip to Brasov, which our teachers organized for students (and parents) during the summer vacation. It is a wonderful ancient city, which is almost 800 years old. That's why it's a great idea to arrange a tour with a guide. We also attented an exhibition of student posters Pictoric about the war in Ukraine at a local university.

So, our must see in Brasov:

1. Aquapark! 2. Amazing seats in the Black Church, which turn 180 degrees so that you can sit facing the altar or the organ 3. The organ of 1835!

4. Funicular and capital letters BRASHOV.

We especially recommend our Anna Lisitsina as a road guide. The Transylvanian Alps, Fagarash peaks, fortifications and a fortress that is almost 1000 years old - we heard (and saw!) about all this on the way to Brasov.

As always, thanks to our friends at Peace Action Training and Research Institute of Romania (PATRIR), UNICEF Romania and colleagues from the active Ukrainian community of Brasov for the warm welcome and delicious lunch.


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