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There's no time to waste

Look, we've come this far, but the reality is everything could fall apart any minute. We've solved most issues, such as teachers and a location, but our financial lifeline is very short. Our primary need right now is funds to keep things going.

Donate on Patreon

Recurring income is critical, so please consider this method. 

The fee they take is, unfortunately, about 10%, but at this very moment it is the only way to donate monthly with a card online.

Donate by bank transfer

Please consider setting up a monthly recurring transfer!

Asociaţia Tinerilor Ucraineni din România

Registered address:

Aleea Zorelelor nr.5

Bl. 45, Sc A, Ap 54

Bucuresti, Cod 061184



Banca Comercială Română


Cod de identificare fiscal (CIF): 32988348

Nr. de înregistrare în Registrul Special al Asociaţiilor

şi Fundaţiilor: 15889/A/2014

Stay in touch

Please join the newsletter to get news as the project evolves. This is particularly important for donors so we can keep you updated about what we do with your support.

What happens with the money?

Feel free to download the provisional predicted budget and have a look.



Almost the entire budget goes to salaries for educational staff and the associated activities.



We've planned extracurricular activities and support programs (medical, psychological, etc.) for a wholesome environment.



This is a project that must continue long term. So we invest in organising the administration in a sustainable way.

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